Anti-Epstein Barr virus IgA ELISA试剂盒(EBV-VCA) (ab178660)
Key features and details
- Sample type: Cit plasma, Hep Plasma, Serum
- Detection method: Colorimetric
- Assay type: Indirect
Anti-Epstein Barr virus IgA ELISA试剂盒(EBV-VCA) -
Colorimetric -
批次内 样品 n Mean SD CV% Pos. Serum 8 4.8% 批次间 样品 n Mean SD CV% Pos. Serum 3 8.4% -
Serum, Hep Plasma, Cit plasma -
Indirect -
Multiple steps standard assay -
Abcam’s anti-Epstein Barr virus (EBV-VCA) IgA in vitro ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) kit is designed for the accurate qualitative measurement of IgA class antibodies against Epstein Barr virus in Human serum and plasma.
A 96-well plate has been precoated with Epstein Barr Virus antigens to bind cognate antibodies. Controls or test samples are added to the wells and incubated. Following washing, a horseradish peroxidase (HRP) labelled anti-Human IgA conjugate is added to the wells, which binds to the immobilized with Epstein Barr Virus antigens. TMB is then catalyzed by the HRP to produce a blue color product that changes to yellow after adding an acidic stop solution. The density of yellow coloration is directly proportional to the amount of with Epstein Barr Virus antigens IgA sample captured in plate.
适用于: ELISAmore details -
Store at +4°C. Please refer to protocols. -
组件 标识符 1 x 96 tests 20X Washing Solution White cap 1 x 50ml Cover Foil 1 unit Epstein Barr Virus (IgA) Coated Microplate (12 x 8 wells) 1 unit Epstein Barr Virus Anti-IgA HRP Conjugate 1 x 20ml Epstein Barr Virus IgA Cut-off Control 1 x 3ml Epstein Barr Virus IgA Negative Control 1 x 2ml Epstein Barr Virus IgA Positive Control 1 x 2ml IgA Sample Diluent 1 x 100ml Stop Solution red cap 1 x 15ml Strip holder 1 unit TMB Substrate Solution Yellow cap 1 x 15ml -
The Abpromise guarantee
“应用说明”部分 下显示的仅为推荐的起始稀释度;实际最佳的稀释度/浓度应由使用者检定。
应用 | Ab评论 | 说明 |
Use at an assay dependent concentration.
说明 |
Use at an assay dependent concentration. |
Specific antigens are coated on the 96-well plate, controls or test samples are added to the well and incubated. The wells are washed to remove any unbound Human anti-antigen antibodies (Ig). A horseradish peroxidase (HRP) labelled anti-Human Ig conjugate is added to the wells. TMB is then catalyzed by the HRP to produce a blue color product that changes to yellow after adding an acidic stop solution. The intensity of yellow coloration is directly proportional to the amount of Human anti-antigen Ig captured on the plate.
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